I suppose it is a way to acknowledge we live in very busy times in a very busy world, but electronic nagging is starting to weigh on me.
If I fail to take my TV dinner out of the microwave (which thankfully only beeps four times instead of five like the old one), the machine beeps every sixty seconds until I obey. Our new super keen dryer plays an insistent four note musical when it finishes drying whatever the load was, and will do so every few seconds until someone pops the lid. (And the other day, it told me it was time to clean the lint trap.)
My new smart phone gurgles and sends me a “vroom” sound…and vibrates as well…when some unknown telemarketer sends a text message. Pop-ups plague my computer screen, and my car has all kinds of warnings…like “passenger door open” or “low tire” or “passenger seat belt.” Heck, it won’t even let me run out of gas. (Where is the fun in that?)
I sometimes trigger the Wally World alarm, even if I’m not carrying a bag. (I suppose that’s one of those “just-in-case” warnings.) And my check for groceries sometimes won’t scan on the first try.
But the final straw is my kitchen smoke alarm, the one hanging high on the wall. I boil spuds, steam veggies, and poach eggs with never a quiver from the alarm, but the instant I fry bacon or beefsteak, it makes a shriek fit to ruin a good pair of hearing aids. The darned thing has got to be vegetarian.
I’m promising myself a week in a cabin with a fireplace on a nice lake to get away from all of this electronic nagging. (Now, if I can just find one where my smart phone has service…)
I agree!!!! Take the warnings off of everything and let nature take its course!
No more seat belts? No more helmets?